Monday, August 6, 2012

My darling husband and I have been trying what to do to control the weeds on our property.  We had been tossing the idea of raising sheep around for a while.  I had picked out a breed that seemed would work for us but I wasn’t having much luck finding them.  He went on Craig’s List and read an ad for Shetland Sheep that said “sweet sheep that like people and wag their tails when they are pet.”  He decided they were the sheep for us.  5 hours later we were back home with 4 sheep.  We put them in our pasture with a neighbor’s horse and our miniature cow.  Immediately the horse started chasing them. 

Our cow was not sure how to react to the sheep but she was very thankful the horse had someone else to tease.  We ended up taking the horse out of that pasture because he was just having too much fun tormenting the sheep and went to bed thinking life was good. 

I got up with the sun the next morning and took our dog on an early morning walk to check the sheep.  At first we only see 2 as we walk around the pasture I find the third sheep huddled up not eating happily like the other two but still do not see the 4th – until I get around the bottom of the pasture I see a lump that shouldn’t be in the pasture.  I take chicken-dog home to his crate and find a wheelbarrow and shovel to help me deal with the dead sheep.  Hoping I will be able to take care of it before the children wake up.   Walking back to the pasture I see a neighbor up and let him know about the sheep.  As I am taking care of the dead sheep I look up and occasionally see a coyote watching me or the surviving sheep at one point one starts into the pasture following me and thankfully the neighbor shoots his gun missing the coyote but it scared the coyote off. 

Later that day, we finish making a coyote proof sheep enclosure that will make do until we come up with a better one.  My darling husband goes off to the hardware store to see if he can find some part we need and #2 daughter, her friend, number 1 son, his friend, youngest daughter, youngest son, and I go out to try to catch the 3 sheep.  It takes all 7 of us running around like chickens with our heads cut off to catch the sheep.  I dive for a sheep and it jumps and we collide.  Finally 2 hours later we have the sheep in the enclosure medicine on the hurt sheep and go to the house to clean up.  That’s when I notice the hoof print bruise on my face.  

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