Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Installing the Fencing...The Beginning

Went to water the cattle after Morning Duty and the hose was gone.  Someone stole my HOSE.  I go driving around the property to find a hose long enough to reach across the driveway and fill the cows water.  GRR  As I am filling up the water I go to grab my vinegar bottle (apple cider vinegar in the water is supposed to keep flies away) from behind a the rock and it was stolen too.  How nuts is that to steal an open bottle of vinegar!? 

Friday the fencing came in finally!!!!  Woo HOO!  BUT I had to go to a Puberty Class with Pre-teen's Girl Scout Troop.  Great class I highly recommend it!  But, not exactly how I was dreaming of spending a Friday night with no band performances.  I wanted to work on fencing.  Since I wasn’t going to be home DH took the boys motorcycle riding.  D Husband called me once around Stick Boy’s bed time the teacher of the class had a no phone policy so I didn’t answer it and I didn’t get a text or message didn’t worry. 
I didn’t worry until I got home and the cats were still out.  As I call DH Preteen drops the Crockpot full of sweet and sour meatballs on the floor, it’s a lovely broken glass, meatball, saucy mess and now I get a call from my husband telling me Teen Boy is in the hospital with a concussion.    They should be leaving soon.  3 hours later Dh and the boys get home. 
Saturday we get a MUCH later than planned start on our day.  I leave Stick Boy and College Girl in charge of Teen Boy who cannot remember anything and is supposed to be kept quiet.  We finish behind schedule but Darling Husband is confident we will move the cows Sunday.  

Sunday DH and I leave the youngest 2 to make sure Teen Boy takes it easy.  We installed all the cross wire supports.  A few neighbors stop by to appreciate our work.  We talk with them for a while.  After we get started on the top section of fencing a friend stops by needing help so DH and I get to a stopping point.  I check on the kids, make them lunch then go back to work to see if I can do it without my man!  I can it isn’t easy.  It is a lot better with 2 people.  DH gets back and as the sun is setting Sunday night we have installed wire for the top section of fence.  

But we are confident we will move the cattle on Monday!

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