Thursday, August 9, 2012

Electric Fencing 1

The electric net fencing came in today! 
  The instructions say 1 person can put 100 feet of it up in 10 minutes.  This may be true IF you live some were with ground that is not rock hard and know what you are doing.  My husband and oldest son are gone at camp until late this morning and I had the bright idea that the girls and I would put the fence up to surprise my boys.  

An hour and a half later (pretty good timing in my opinion)we get 164 feet of fence up.  We put the sheep in the enclosure and tell older daughter she can be done.  Then  I ask youngest daughter to go to the other side of the fenced area and make sure they don’t stick their head in while I finish hooking it up and turn on the power. 
  Well one of the sheep sticks her head through the fence and Daughter SCREAMS at it.  Sheep bolts taking 75 feet of fencing with her getting it all tangled in bushes weeds and herself.  I try to tell daughter to calm down but she will not stop screaming.  Finally I get my child and the ewe calmed down, untangled the ewe from the fence, and fence untangled from weeds and brush we are hoping the sheep will eat.  I give daughter a stick and ask her to stand in about a 4 foot space that I think the sheep will try to get through while I start putting the posts back in.  The mischievous sheep tries to get around daughter and daughter screams and runs into the area we are enclosing scaring the good sheep out following the mischievous sheep.  Now I have 75 feet of fence down, 2 sheep running away from me, and daughter screaming.  ….

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