There are lots of
stories out there about the differences between cats and dogs. Most are awesome and true. I thought I would share my experiences with
the differences between cats and sheep.
We have had 3 of our sheep a few weeks and 2 for 6 weeks. In the morning we let them out into whatever
area we have fenced off and at night we move them back into the enclosure that
we hope is coyote proof. We have moved
the paths they take so every day has not been the same. Most evenings the sheep happily go from the
weed filled pasture into the enclosure just with me opening the gates and one
or two of them run around the enclosure 2 times then they run in happily. We give them a little corn and hay and they
spend the night. In the morning they
happily go back into the electric fence area and eat all the weeds.

We have had our older cats 3 years. Every night, we bring in the cats in, in the
morning we try to put them out unless it is raining. At night the cats get their food AFTER they
come in. The cats have the choice of not
just the people beds but also they have also taken over our dog’s bed. They should be happy about coming in but
being cats they circle me just outside of my reach. They look at me and taunt me with their sweet
meows, roll over for me to scratch their tummy and as soon as I bend over they
run away. They are coming in for dinner
not to be tortured but every night my children, husband, and I open the door 8
times to get 4 cats into my house.
the morning our Princess Cling sits at the door crying to go out so we get up
and open the door and she puts her nose in the air walks away and swats the dog’s
Our cats and sheep
have basically the same schedule. The
sheep figured out what to do in an average of 3 days the cats just enjoy
proving we will open the doors for them over and over again. Maybe we are the trained ones.