Deer is a great mom!
She knows the dogs are there to protect her and her baby so when she has a new born she will allow the dogs to be near her baby.
She lets her lamb play with the other lambs but is always near.
Ready to make sure her lamb is safe and beside her.
Sure her lamb can jump into all sorts of fun places.
BUT Deer's lamb must always stay where Deer can get to her!
Deer's lamb decided to take a nap under the Boy Scout Trailer - or maybe she was just being a bad lamb.
At first Deer wasn't too upset.
Then Deer realized she couldn't see her baby and her baby wasn't answering. So Deer started pushing the trailer, stomping her feet, franticly baaing to her lamb.
You can see her stubborn lamb watched her as she got more and more upset. It dawned on me Deer must feel as out of control as I felt when Teen Son would hide inside the clothing racks at Target.
Finally her lamb got tired of hiding from Deer and decided to play with the other sheep on the slide.