I spent a day working
on getting the electrical fencing around our lower pasture put up. We moved the cattle into the lower pasture it
doesn’t have very good grass but it needs to be mowed and the cattle are great
mowers. We are still giving them fodder
and hay so their nutrition stays up.
They will have about 2 weeks in this pasture then we will move them into
the corner pasture (hopefully) and then back to their regular pasture.
something is wrong with our portable charger.
So all the work we did putting the electric fencing around the fence was
for nothing. One of the neighbor’s kids
left the gate open and the cows walked right out one afternoon, thank fully
another neighbor saw her and put the cow back in. Then last night as Darling
Husband and I were getting ready for a date we got a call. Rollo was out. This COW and her son are problems!