Friday, November 16, 2012


Darling Husband doesn't know how to install chain link fence.  How can this be? We have a lot of chain link fencing lying around, so over a year ago we started putting in the posts to install the fencing.  We dislike chain link but we need to finish this fencing.  So we decided to hire someone to install the almost 300 feet of chain link fencing we decided we need.  Let me say WOW having to buy fencing parts and having someone do it is expensive.  We will not install any more chain link.  It may not look great having different kinds of fencing but I hate chain link and it's expense and it's looks.  We have installed the fencing on this part of the property line but the sheep are very aware we do not have the gate up yet so they went to visit our neighbors and ate her roses.  The other neighbor wanted me to leave the sheep eating all the weeds on the bank (who cares about the roses?).  

 The bridge to nowhere is up but we still have not taken care of fencing the area.  Teen Boy and I worked at tearing down the old fencing along the road so when Darling Husband came home he would see how far we got on his next project.  A lot of the wood was so rotten we just pulled the posts out of the dirt.  Many of the staples holding the wire on the fence just fell out but some were very difficult.  We were able to remove all the old fencing except the stuff along the ditch.  I am not sure how we are going to make that part of it work.  

While the kids and I worked on the fence, Darling Husband was building Sheep Taj Mahal, I mean the new sheep enclosure.  It is 8x12 and really huge for our 4 small sheep so, I am hoping to get Turkeys in the spring and maybe it can hold both.  I wonder how sheep and turkey get along.  

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